How to Design a Catapult Out of Paper Towel Rolls

The catapult is an ancient weapon first used by the early Greek and Roman cultures and made famous by Medieval English knights. The machine was capable of launching a projectile across a long distance without the use of combustibles. The catapult comes in many forms and goes by many...

How to Make a Rubber Band Catapult

Build a rubber band tabletop catapult as a science experiment, or scaled addition to a model display. Common household tools and small power tools are required to complete this project. Rubber band catapults must be used with supervision when used by children. Items which fly from...

Understanding On How to Build an Easy Catapult for Kids

A catapult is basically a spring-loaded launcher which uses a lever and tension to propel an object. The catapult was invented by the Greeks in 399 B.C. and used during wartime as a way to launch artillery toward an enemy target. Catapults were built strong enough to hurl heavy objects...

The Right Thing To Make a Catapult With Popsicle Sticks

Playing with your children and having fun doesn't always have to involve dollhouses or wrestling on the floor. One fun project you can work on with your family is building a catapult with Popsicle sticks. This simple project can be put together quickly and can help create the backdrop...

Homework : Building a Seesaw Catapult

Catapults were originally created as a device used in battle to launch heavy objects over great distances, often over walls or into forts. Although there have been many different catapult designs over the years, the seesaw catapult is among the most basic. Designed using minimal...